While GOD Keeps Yearning for all of HIS Children... to choose to Bless & not curse each other...
The World Keeps Turning yet it is us who are burning within traps made with our own words!!
But When WE Choose to Use Only HIS Holy WORDS to from our own mouths...
We become HIS Blessing upon all others and ourselves...
The Choice is Yours and mine... But As for Our House WE SERVE the Lord!!
You can Too... You just must Decide... And Just do it!
Start By Giving HIM your heart... NOW DO NOT WAIT another minute...
Pause here... Open Your Mouth with a bowed heart.. but do not yet close your eyes but read out loud...
Pray this Out Loud "Lord I am a sinner.. Though I am not worthy.. I accept and thank you for your Mercy & Free Gift...
That You died for me & shed your BLOOD on Calvary.... For Love of me...
Come into my heart forever and hold me close to you... keep me from wondering away from you again...
That I may have Your Grace to sin no more... And Always live in Your Peace...
Eternally!!! Amen Amen Amen & Alleluia!"
When each morning when you wake...
Thank HIM for the Brand New Day...
By Seeking HIM Early each Morn...
The evil one who once owned you...
will no longer have as much control to harm
You & others through you...
But Oh he will not give you up without a fight...
Remember NOW, that The ONE WHO Lives & Riegns in you Forever and ever...
He has already overcome the world....
HE who is NOW in you IS Greater & Mightier thean the evil one in the world who once had you...
SO Fear NOT!!!! Perfect LOVE Casrs Out All Fear!!
So is & when you feel fear come... Say Outloud!!
LORD I LOVE YOU!!! Who do I need to Forgive... For perfect Love walks always in Forgiveness...
When you forgive each & everyone who has hurt or disappointed you...
You will be flooded with a peace that surpasses all understanding!
But do not be surprised if the one you need to forgive the most is yourself!!
Once we have confessed & repented & have been washed Clean by HIS Blood...
HE has forgotten your sin... SO WHY DO YOU HOLD YOURSELF IN BONDAGE???
Forgive! Forgive! Forgive... !!
And Let Yourself Live in HIM!!
Blessings to you!
EstherStephanada! And The World Keeps TURNING!!
Praying for each of you. Watch "The Chaplet of Divine Mercy in Song
(complete)" on YouTube
SO YOU TOO can be chased down by BLESSINGS EVERYWHERE YOU GO.... As You
Likewise Bless others you meet along your road!!! Smile...
5 years ago