Sunday, August 26, 2012

We Can Rise Above All Circumstances...As We Choose to Speak Honeycomb Pure Words of Kindness!

Every Catholic should know how to rise above all strife and any kind of oppression by speaking only honeycomb words of kindness and never bitter harshness.
All Christians who respect the Holy Word written within the pages of the Holy Bible should know well how to say what they mean and mean what they say...
Let your yes mean yes and your no mean no...without profanity!
This is integrity.
When anyone speaks profanity of any kind they may think they are "adding emphasis" to what they are saying.
They may think: "I want everyone to know I mean it!"
But in actuality they are exposing themselves to the quiet wise & learned their stupidity and that they are controlled by the evil one...the devil himself!
So when you choose to not become unglued when a ridiculous one blows some steam out of his our her mouth,
When you rejoice that this evil one has pointed him or herself out so that you can now avoid them...
Sing HIM new songs and HE will lead you along to a better place with others who belong to HIM...
And just as you have now found this blog and can follow along with many who love and serve only The Lord...
Others too will be attracted to you because you not only seek HIM with a sincere heart..
But the support and friendships you both receive and share will soon multiply like yeast in a new bread and roasting marshmallows around HIS flaming fire of love...
Above and upon on eagles wings our hearts will soar together over tragedies into HIS triumph!
Amen Amen Amen and Alleluia!

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Our Words Always Matter...For Every Word We Speak is Either Building or Tearing Down Something Good & Pure... Our Anger Could Be Building the Dominion of the Evil One WE are Complaining of and do not Even REalize It!

God will change others and the world as we who belong to HIM and know HIM intimately change our own vocabulary to reflect HIS mind and heart.

It is not enough for us who hear those we know and love speak falsehoods without correcting them and redirecting them...but our efforts become futile unless we first seek HIS heart and choose HIS words that HE places within our hearts while under HIS anointing for the actual task of correcting a particular individual.

We must first ask God within our own hearts...How did this particular person or group come to think what they think or believe what they erroneous believe as truth.

Sometimes like FR Kenneth Roberts before he had died used a black flag with a white cross on it to teach parents to communicate with their teenagers.

The teens were looking at the black squares but could not see the four white squares.

Both those who could only see the black squares and not the white cross... both were correct that they could see what they claimed....whether the white cross or the four black squares...both saw something different that was really was a negative truth and one a positive truth. 

And sometimes when we find ourselves in conflict with sees a negative truth, one chooses not to focus on the negative but the positive.

But then there are those who have been deceived by the evil one also known as the great deceiver...they do not see the white cross or the black squares.

What they see is a distortion of both truths.

These distortions cause many to live making evil choices against the 10 Commandments...
They say: "If there is no God why bother to live according to God's Laws.  Why not go out and party hearty have some fun because you live life once and once your gone your gone!

Most atheists and agnostics say they are what they are for the shock value...attention getting.
And some who have fanamanal illentelegence can do this long enough to convince some...but in actuallity they are just having fun...

Showing off their giftedness in a poor fashion while not really believing what they are professing or rather not believing their own complicated arguments...just trying to perplex you...simply tell them to find something more valuable to invest their time and energy within...

That you will not be moved or come unglued...and that your time is too valuable to waste.

Once you express this once, such a person will never forget what you have said...
So even if such an intellect returns to you for another repeat conversation of the same subject...

Do not even give him our her the satisfaction of decling or accepting.

Change the subject and act as if you never heard them and in the future they will not want to waste their time in such a way...because their "pay-off" which was seeing you come unglued over and over...

Such an emotional or intelectuall "pay-Off" removed will then make being an aithiest now a waste of even their own time.

The sad thing is however that some who quietly witness such conversation and behavior between such gifted intellectual fools that waste their energy and time...some of these quiet witnesses who lack the same intellectual ability of the show offy intelectual ones...

These witnesses who are not as smart could go astray after being impressed with such glorified nonsense because they lack the ability to recognize and understand what was said.

The show-offy so called intelectual aithiest who is lieing about being an aethiest....
This man or woman GOS WILL definately hold to a higher account and HIS Words say: "Woe to anyone who leads even one of my litle ones astray!"

So intelectual show weary!! Look out!

God will entrap you with your own devices you think are games but are not!

Amen Amen Amen Amen and Alleluia!

Regardless where you and I are on any given day...each one of us are building contractors building something near us and far far as our words travel each day!