Saturday, August 27, 2011

HIS Holy Word Says HE WILL SEND STORMS...So Where Does the Term "Natural DISASTER Come From?

Through out the Old Testament GOD refers to sending storms!

HE told Noah, in drought  to build the Arc that soon  it would flood!

Through out scripture storms washed away many.....

Lot's wife looked back and turned to salt.

Storms are sent by GOD to cleanse the land of those self-righteous fools who refuse to live by HIS Ten Commandments.

Those who will not turn from their wicked ways with a bit of chastisement...
Will not be tollerated by GOD THE ALMIGHTY FATHER....

Certainly not when their mischief is always targetted at HIS lowly Faithful obedient ones.

Storms will always follow HIS Righteous little ones...for HE leads them out...and as they follow....
HIS WRATH FALLS where they once were!

Great are he afflictions of HIS Righteous...But The LORD delivers us from them all.... But Always Always through the storm which they, HIS Righteous are always sheltered from...!

Proverbs 10:25

Job 5


Wednesday, August 3, 2011

We are All Products or Prisoners to Our Own Choices and Our Words!

Have you ever yearned to change the the old Coca-Cola commercial of the late 1970's into 1980's inspired so many?

"I'd like to teach the world to perfect harmony....I'd like to bring them lots of Coke and keep them company!"

The first phrase for sure is a correct quote...the next line may not be exact...but that was the subject and purpose of this sing-a'long-song that everyone back then sung or hummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmed even if they literally had no voice but were hoarse!

52 horses yesterday were adopted in the quickly when it was posted to Facebook by Andy Rassler that due to someone dieing that the son was sending them to be slaughtered in Sugar Creek Subdivision where we walked away from a house...we simply said YES to GOD when HE sung to our hearts "WILL YOU Leave all this behind for I am calling your names... will you let the blinded see... death ears will you open for and through ME...will you kiss lepers clean...will you let ME do all things through you....and you shall never be the same??? 

That was in October 2009 and HE is still carrying us along....and through NEW Songs HE keeps placing in our hearts...HE is calling us to More More More!!   And YES WE LIKE IT WE LIKE IT!

The devil will never like what you or we do for don't be shocked, dismayed nor fret when he comes knocking and a blocking in your life and at your door...

When the devil gets into his a blockin mode telling you you cannot COME here...move on....  Don't you GO...but
OPEN YOUR MOUTH...and say...Devil under my feet now and forever in JESUS NAME!!

I'm not going to play your games...  THE WORD of GOD turns this WORLD and HIS WORD is in Satan have no authority!

So lets you and I choose our words with FAITH and kindness...for while harsh words dry up both the bones of the hearer and the speaker...

Words of Honeycomb... soothe, heal and build relationships that are strong!

And those who cannot or will not choose their words with care....


I challenge all these days when you see and hear reports of natural disaster...  Take the time to place the name of the location your are watching it happen...SEARCH the Internet for "SOCIAL HISTORY...of...  Minot ND, New Orleans, and each place you see such disasters...whether floods or droughts...rising rivers or whatever...

You will find that all is GOD's REVENGE on something whether racists bigotry and abuse, idolatry, or financial and or political corruption that a few in power are "Lording it over" HIS Little ones.

If only everyone REALLY CHOSE to live as the Old Coca-Cola Song suggested decades back...
If everyone wanted to and did share with someone else....

When each one rises each morning seeking a new soul to whom to bless in some way some how...

If there were no one who became suspicious when another showed them kindness...Maybe more often more folks would reach out to one another

Okay world...Lets Try...  Sing with me....  Sing Sing a song...make it simple....SING OUT WITH YOUR HEART!!!

LORD YOU LIFT ME UP HIGHER & HIGHER..As I Smile at I seek ways to be a Blessing to all those who YOU place along my trails of trials and challenges...that you always turn into TRIUMPH over tragedy!   Dooddttooototooolooooooo....     I am never blue...'cause LORD I have YOU.... YOU have keep me free indeed   'cause my heart is always kneeling to THEE!!!!
