Saturday, November 7, 2009


What was our house is no longer ours!

We have obeyed GOD!  We answered HIS call>>>  HIS Summons "Will you leave all behind if I but call your name?  Will you come and follow me and never be the same???  Will you...

And we said yes!

We have laid all things...  emptied ourselves and our house through bankruptcy, as GOD directed us first on Holy Thursday, when we aggreed to walk away....

And follow HIM..  Billy realized to short sell we must find our own buyer which is impossible for an unsalable house in "Hidden Valley"  Our Prayer then became:  "Lord we are willing but not able...  BUT You are Willing and Able to Do ALL things!!   SO Just Do It!!  Make it happen!
Next day we had a free consultation with an attorney on an unrealted matter...  a debt that someone was trying to collect from us that was not ours, and another that was ours who we wrote to try to make an arrangement...  but instead... they filed suit against us!

As soon as my eyes met the eyes of this attorney....  the Annoining of the Holy Spirit fell.

We were up front and honest that our house had been on market for sale since December.  He asked where it was located.  Billy said over me not wanting to be completely honest: "North Charlotte" 
Since GOD has been dealing with my obedience to Bill instead of HIM...
I said loudly "Let's be completely open and honest HIDDEN VALLEY!!!  I told him how we bought what we could offord under duress of his tumor...

The young God fearing Attorney said "Instead of having me go after these thugs the way I usually do, let me do a bankruptcy for you, put your house in it and walk away!"

This was GOD's Answer to our prayer the day before...  "GOD we are willing but not able!  But You Oh GOD are willing and able to do all things!!  DO it & make it happen!!" 
And so HE has....  Our day of formal emptying was October 28, 2009.

We last slept there Sunday, and as I type this a few good men who were on retreat with Bill in August at our church are moving the final items out ...  Yesterday I say with JOY was my last time on Burroughs Street...

 The house has served it's purpose as a place for Billy to recover from surgery in 2007 and only GOD could have ever devised a plan such as this one.
Man makes HIS plans and GOD places our steps...  but Only if and when we let HIM.

We know not where we are going, but we fear no more!  For GOD has released us from Heavy bondage and in HIS Palm we always are!
HE carries us in HIS Palm as HE Holds us to and in HIS Heart...

We need not know anything...  FOR we belong to the Only ONE who knows all !!
We have taken a room which we can afford

We took a room which is safe which we can only afford till Wed. To wait upon HIM for further instruction...
We have a PO BOX which is bellow  but I know not how far away we will have to travel to find another...

So we may at times,not get to check that box very often.  It is as follows: 
PO Box 6235
Concord NC 28027

But those who lay down their lives for their spouse or brother...  Will not loose their life but save it and be raised up!

Likewise, those who leave all behind to answer HIS summons to follow HIM... Will never be orphaned but The Heavens WILL be opening SOON!!  For we have done our part with FAITH and now we must only wait upon HIM!!
Through Obedience to HIS WORD HE Turns our Grey skys to Blue...  our Tears into Dancing... our sorrow & pain into Joyful Laughter...  Our Strength is Renewed for we never become "Unglued"  HIS JOY Cometh Every Morning ans whenever we call Out HIS Name...  For Our Hope Remains in HIM who never changes....
and as we follow HIM it is we are carried Singing... in HIS Mighty Strong Arms...  AS HE turns the World with HIS word in HIS Time!
Amen & Alleluia!
Amen! Amen! Amen! and Alleluia!!

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