Sunday, June 27, 2010

How is It That Even Today Every Where In Our World There Exists Rich Man Vs Lazarus Poor Man Realities?

Why do the Social Injustices around the world  surprise or shock anyone these days!

GOD is very angered but certainly not surprised!

So many scriptures both Old and New Testaments warn us of the dangers of becoming self righteous through greed and abusing those who have less than us.

Those of us who have plenty....  more is and will always be required and expected of them...

GOD has already begun turning money tables and hospital corners upside down through chastising those who have been and continue to abuse the power of either their wealth or position or both...

Many have not only ben chastised some HE has already cut down!

So take a good look at yourself...  for time is running out for all of us to re-align our choices and behavior to what GOD comands of us all... begining with obeying The Ten Comandmants and repenting Sacramentally of ones sin...

Those of you who still think there exists no heaven, nor hell...  I pray you think again and Call out GOD's Name in true sorrow for your wrong doings....  HIS Mercy endures forever...

Though you must choose HIM before your last breath!

EstherStephanada praying that you will not be among the Eternally lost!

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