Some may think and even say that everyone has regrets and that everyone says things without thinking...
So there can't be anything wrong with it!
Think again!
I grew up on Haring Road in Metairie Louisiana in the 1960's into the 1970's during a time in which most families never locked their doors and yet everyone knocked and waited for the door to be opened...and never just walked in.
Most of the adults on our block were Roman Catholics even if they themselves did not practice their Faith bringing their children to Mass with them every Sunday...they called themselves "Catholic" as if it placed them into the "In Club" though their behavior at times would lead most to question what they actually believed.
Having been born dead and resuscitated I had many mental challenges that made it more difficult to learn than the other children growing up on Haring Road, or Green Acres Road around the corner or those in school with either me and or my younger brothers.
My parents were and still are very proud and still even today at 75 and almost 78 years of age have self-righteous critical, judgmental attitudes and spirits.
Long before I learned my name without forgetting it...5th Grade and I repeated the 4th...
I recognized my parents lacked the ability to forgive and or love themselves;
Their words always hurt or even broke our hearts ...they called it constructive criticism.
Kind words like honeycomb heal body mind heart and spirit but harshness always dries up the is called arthritis and I have never met anyone who suffers arthritic pain who either has not a harsh critical spirit themselves or has been a victim of such a person whom they cannot get rid of.
When ever you hear another say...or notice coming out of your own mouth: "I am sorry...That is not what I meant to say!"
Get a revelation!
Out of the fullness of the heart the mouth speaks and it is impossible for a person who has rejected GOD who does not love to speak only kindness.
Evil can only conceal itself for a certain amount of time.
Eventually a person who is full of hate will literally break into pieces after hearing him or herself pretend to be kind...eventually every persons true colors...true personality comes forth just as with dawn a new day!
What is said or done in secret...will always be revealed in and by the light...
The TRUTH will always set us free so never be afraid of the truth even when your truth is hard to believe...
When you or I live humbly and honorably seeking opportunities to be a kind blessing...
When we choose to change our usual unkind words to kind ones and purposely clean up our mouth...
GOD will honor our effort and give us new hearts for love alone....Make HIS Holy Words be your own spoken words and through you and us HE will change the world as HE turns it one day and night at a time!
Praying for each of you. Watch "The Chaplet of Divine Mercy in Song
(complete)" on YouTube
SO YOU TOO can be chased down by BLESSINGS EVERYWHERE YOU GO.... As You
Likewise Bless others you meet along your road!!! Smile...
5 years ago
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