You and I were created by God for God and HIS Divine purposes.
God created man & woman after being frustrated with HIS first creatures...the angels.
There actually exist folks that say that there exists no heaven or hell you get what you deserve in this life according to your own behavior.
And it is just "feel-good" to believe in there exist those who believe in angels and have pictures and statues of angels all over their homes and offices but insist that devils do not exist.
How does one balance in their minds that God created angels and later man & woman and placed them in a garden to flourish without accepting the fact that Lucifer the angel with greatest rank and power committed the first sin of pride and was cast down with many angels who became prideful and arrogant with him??
Would God have created man & woman had the angels not disappointed HIM?
We can never know this in this life and possibly God may not ever tell us even once we have lived the full lives
And yet while this is a "partial truth" that all of our own personal choices...both in our behavior and our words do create the atmosphere which we will either enjoy or must endure in this life...
To take only parts of God's Holy Word and believe them or apply them one is doing themselves a dis-service.
For regardless which scripture some folks refuse to accept into their hearts & minds as truth because they want to dance & dabble with glamor of evil...they really are cutting themselves a short stick or rod to carry as a weapon that has a bitter taste not just to those whom they abuse with it...
But anyone who lives by the sword will die and by the sword and perish & suffer the fiery flames of hell for eternity.
The wicked may seem to have many friends and to have the comfort of wealth and high places that they take over by force....
But in actuality anything acquired by force or deceit is always at risk of siege of attack for recovery.
So those who choose to live by only parts of God's word will always be arrogant because they have something usually much that is dishonorable to hide.
Such arrogance & self-righteousness always requires a calculating and theatrical personality.
For those who have believed the lie of the devil that having ever sinned is dishonorable cannot ever be freed by the truth which is the only thing that can give any heart the peace, joy, love and mercy that they long for.
The chore of building and working their memory in order to prevent contradicting themselves....or simply being seen blowing up because they are concealing so many lies that are too great for any man to cover.
They fear losing the respect and admiration they enjoy of some who see them so rarely that they have been able to maintain their performances for "a little while."
The sad truth that they now cannot perceive is that those whose love, respect and admiration is so important, will actually love respect and honor them for more as giving God thanks and praise that HE has completed drawing he and she whom they love much the full circle into Himself through the gate of HIS Mercy through Sacramental Reconciliation and the love, respect, mercy, honor and peace that surpasses all understanding will be theirs to share with those they feared losing forever!
And thus we can all see that it is in only accepting and living by all of Sacred Scriptures one can live!
And when anyone lives by HIS Commandments receiving all of the sacraments frequently especially going to Sacramental Reconciliation and receiving HIS Holy Eucharist frequently that HIS Holy Word & very life is vibrant within us can we recognize lies when we hear them.
Thus saith The Lord.
Amen Amen Amen and Alleluia