Your words, my words and the words spoken by every person is what causes our world to be what it is at any given time.
Have you noticed that some folks simply always to be in a good mood regardless if their tables or covered or their cupboards bare?
There was a time when such folks were not so sparsely scattered...
There was a time when the priorities of the majority placed people before things,
And folks that maintained a spirit of joy through out anything the world could dish out were welcomed into any gathering.
But today many to most folks just do not want to be happy!
And truly kind hapy joyful folks no longer enjoy a wealth of friends because most folks today would rather wallow in self-justified anger and pity...which anoer word for this is ARROGANCE!
And truly kind hapy joyful folks no longer enjoy a wealth of friends because most folks today would rather wallow in self-justified anger and pity...which anoer word for this is ARROGANCE!
Most folks want to pout about something...anything that they cannot change.
It does not matter what the thing or subject is.
It is about letting off steam and while doing so being a totalarion over anyone who happens to be in their way.
It is about letting off steam and while doing so being a totalarion over anyone who happens to be in their way.
They simply want to display their "Right" to be: Justifiably ANGRY!!!!
Their "Right" to be: CONTROLLING???
Their "Right" to be: CONTROLLING???
Their RIGHT to be ARROGANT and Higher, more important than the ones they detest....that they can TOWER over and OPPRESS anyone so that they can for a moment think or feel better about themselves.
As my William & I have traveled much and not always has it been by choice...
I have noticed that it is rare to meet anyone who is happy about anything.
Even in large senior centers where many gather to socialize and play games with friends...
Whether old friends or new and joy can be found???
I remember singing on Girl Scout buses: "Make new friends but keep the old...One is silver and the other gold!"
The reason hardly anyone has joy anymore is because they cut of the source of joy off before they can receive or be filled.
Just as there exist many folks who would rather suffer and remain in physical pain and be intellectually correct saying their is no medical cure and continue to brood in the dark where there exists no light...
Than to step out into the light of Jesus Christ that can heal them and raise them out of despair upon wings of hope...
Because in the light others can see their short comings and instead of being freed from the need to hide ones own sins...suggesting one should be perfect and blameless.
But rather the truth is that all far short of HIS Glory and it is in confessing our sins and shortcomings in the sacrament of reconciliation that Jesus Himself instituted when on Pentecost HE said:
"Receive the Holy Spirit whose sins you forgive are forgiven and whose sins you hold bound are held bound." ...that HE washes us clean and we cany -can can start all over as new creations, pure, innocent and holy.
And each one can from this moment on by making drastically new and better choices of speaking only words of honeycomb while never again going back to their old behavior and old patterns of speech, but rather from that point on speaking of their past honestly they can give a testimony of how their old choices held them bound in sin, depression and anger...and about how the moment they forgave everyone even possibly parents and grandparents who have long ago been in forgiving them possibly at their grave sites gave them the ability to live free, happy and in peace for the first time ever!
And this life can be yours when you make the truth your way and path of life!
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